Looking for a very focused power cord

I've been a cable junkie for the last few years now. I've had power cords from Stealth, Electraglide, Gutwire, Argent, and BMI (and I'm not talking about their entry level cords). I've developed a nicely holographic and detailed sound. However, I recently threw a TG Audio Silver into the mix because it was cheap. WOW. It certainly doesn't have the tonal colors of the the other cords, sounding a bit plain or "solid state" but, it soundstages way better than these other "better" cords.
I'm hoping some of you audiophiles out there can turn me on to other power cords which have this ability to recreate a very well defined/outlined soundstage with pinpoint images but, has a warmer, wetter sound while still remaining in control (no bloat or smear or fat bass).
Thanks for your input. Oh, please keep the used price to about $500 or below.
Tvad, I'm sorry, I thought I made it clear. IMO when used together, (Spirit on digital sources and Lotus on analog) typical synergy effect can be expected. Spirit was used on Accuphase DP-67 and Lotus on Wyetech Labs Pearl
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Try the best MIT power cord you can find used within your budget. MIT addresses phase differences and the power supply of your equipment will provide you cleaner sound as a result. Buff can give some info.
I agree with Psacanli, after trying countless AC cables the MITs combined the best of all, combining tonality, soundstage,black background and no loss of dynamics.You really should audition a MIT power cord in your price range before you make your decision.
I see it's been well over 2 years since this posting was active but I thought I'd offer my experience on focused power cords since then as it may save another time and $$$.
Of course my system has morphed numerous times since then but here are a few of my favorites in the focused cable camp.

Top of the Heap: 6Sons Audio Golden Eagle w/Acrolink plugs

2nd tier but still excellent: Wolff BOHICA, 6Sons Audio Windigo,

3rd tier-very good: Wolff Gain, Sunny Cables P600 w/Oyiade or IeGO plugs, Cerious Technology (also upgrade plugs)

Another option, if you have a cable of promise but it's not quite good enough: experiment with other plugs and don't hesitate to combine different plugs on the same cord.
I often use a gold plated plug on one end (the IeGO 8085) and something else on the other end--preferably an Oyaide 046 or a rhodium-plated solid silver IeGO 8095. I don't think the plugs much effect focus but they certainly improve detail and tone. Good luck!