Reference level cables that are 10-years old? buy?

Would you buy 10-year old cables? I just found at a local audio store on consignment some old Synergistic Research cables. Upon some research online, they look like the referenre cables reviewed in 1998 in Stereophile. These were originally retailed at something like $6k, $7k each back then. I can have them at 80% off, so somewhere in the $1,200 range. Still expensive for cables, but what the heck.

I am intending to bring them home later today to audition in my system. My current cables include 10-year old MIT MI-330 Pro XLR, Transparent Ultra. The newest cables in my system are a pair of Cardas Golden Ref & Pure Note Paragon Enhanced.

These Synergistic Research cables would replace the MIT, Transparent, and Pure Note.

I agree with Leica_man and stay with current technology. Just like a $5,000 surround processor 10 years ago is now obsolete so are those cables. ;-) I would skip it and go for the Accelerators.
"I agree with Leica_man and stay with current technology."

Really, how much "technology" advances have we had in copper or silver wire in the last 10 years?

I think the rate of electronics advancements is a poor analogy. Clearly, there's been advancement.

Cable advancement? Maybe. Definitely change over the years but "advancement" is not a given.
I would have to side with Pawlowski, I have a hobbyist for over 20 years and have seen more changes in Marketing then actual cable design.

FrankC, are you looking at the cables over at Music Lovers Berkley? I was there last week and saw those cables. FWIW, they have been sitting there gathering dust for at least a year, if not longer.
Hi Justlisten,

These were sitting at the San Francisco store. They probably brought them over from Berkeley as they are in the process of moving to where dB Audio used to be or around that area.

Let's see-the 10 year old Synergistic cables are non-active just like every other non-active cable currently on the market. The new Tesla cables are active, in and of itself a major advancement. However the new Tesla cables are in their fourth generation of active shielding, and other technologies like quantum tunneling, which is a breakthrough. Check out their website, try some cables, and then decide.