Good Power Cord for TRL Modded Sony SCD-CE595???

I just got my hands on a TRL modified Sony SCD-CE595 multi-disc cd changer.

I know a lot of people have these out there. Can you recommend a good power cord to use with this?

Has anyone tried more than one p/c on this unit? If so, what worked better than what else?

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You may want to consider the Xindak FP Gold, which I purchased for my Modwright Sony 999ES. Another fellow who uses it for his Modwright Sony 9100ES (1markr) recommended this cord. This cord is also used by several other Modwright Sony owners who switched to it. It's inexpensive and I love what mine has done. Be aware, it is said the polarity is reversed on this cable. But at it's price I took a chance on it anyway, and I don't regret it.
The Tel Wire could be a good choice too. It is what I use on my transport and DAC (non-TRL components) and is quite flexible. Chris is great to deal with too.

I forgot to mention that TRL, like Tel Wire also has a trial period, so in either case there is very little risk in trying them.
I just left a message for Paul Weitzel. Any idea what he charges for his power cords?