Opinions: PC's with strong lows roll off the highs

In the past months I've been trying quite a few different power cords in my setup. A fellow Agoner that is very knowledgeable about power cords stated that power cords that support strong low end performance generally roll off the highs. More and more, that experience seems consistent with me too. I'd sure like to find a reasonably priced cord (closer to $500) that can support powerful low end performance and maintain extended highs. Do you have an opinion on this based on your experiences? We know this is all system dependent, but have you found a power cord that can perform both frequency extremes with no roll off?

Curious, do the Flavor cords roll off the highs or the bass? What I hear you saying is that its an either or proposition with your current stable of cables. I am thinking of going this route and would like to hear your experience with these wires.

Also, have you contacted the Cable Company and asked their advice on possible cords to try? They were pretty responsive when I contacted them about PCs for digital front ends.
Knownothing, for me no, the Flavor 4 cords do not roll of the highs or the bass. I'd say the Flavor 4 does not emphasize either extreme. They have good bass and good highs as well.

I have consulted the Cable Company in the past.
Let me tell a story 'bout a man named dave
owned so many power cords, barely kept his family fed
then one day he was tryin out some brand new cords again
when out from his sytem came a bubblin pool
of sound that is
extended bass
pure highs
The Transparent MM reference!!

When you get done playing the field and desire a power cord that will give you a paradigm shift in what you thought was possible ...borrow a couple from the cable company

If you deeply appreciate music, you must demo them!
You just may find it impossible not to own them.
I would tend to agree with Foster_9 and his fellow Agoner. When I think back to all of the cords I've been through, the ones that have the most extended, detailed high's tend to lack 'musical weight' in the bass. I say musical weight, because I have heard some of these cords go plenty deep, but their bass tends to be very tight (not necessaily a bad thing), so they don't sound as full, or have the 'apparent' bass punch of some other cords. The cords that I've heard that have full, robust bass, tend not to have the speed or resolution to make the high's airy and extended.

I think the best thing to try to do is to balance the cords through the system, not use all of one type. Play around a little using 'full-bodied' cords in combination with 'resolving' cords to balance the sound to your tastes.

FWIW, I've also noticed that a cord's soundstage is give and take too. Cords that have a deeper, 3-D stage tend to lack the width and height of more forward cords. Cords that are too forward offer a large 2-D soundstage. I prefer a 3-D stage, I don't care for the 'front row' perspective, but I have heard too deep, where the band seems to be playing out in my driveway. Again, IMHO the key is balance. Experimenting with various cords until the stage size, like bass weight and high's, are balanced to the taste of the system owner.

Looking for one magical cord that can do all things on all gear is chasing the impossible dream, IMHO.

Please tell us what components, including cables, your system consists of, and in particular, what component do you want this power cord which gives you a balanced frequency response.