Opinions: PC's with strong lows roll off the highs

In the past months I've been trying quite a few different power cords in my setup. A fellow Agoner that is very knowledgeable about power cords stated that power cords that support strong low end performance generally roll off the highs. More and more, that experience seems consistent with me too. I'd sure like to find a reasonably priced cord (closer to $500) that can support powerful low end performance and maintain extended highs. Do you have an opinion on this based on your experiences? We know this is all system dependent, but have you found a power cord that can perform both frequency extremes with no roll off?
Sorry for drifting off your initial request. I also wondered about Parasound's use of a 12 gauge power cord for their high-current amps. Surely they thought about this when researching cords. It wasn't so long ago, before after-market cords came onto the scene, that manufacturers had 12 gauge or higher hard-wired into their amps. There are a lot of threads on recommended gauge of power cords for high-current application. There are many variables involved.
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05-22-08: Dave_b
I believe I have tried them all...and with alot of different gear, but there may be a mismatch out there somewhere:)

12-04-07: F1a

Curious if you've tried the top PC offerings from Stealth, Dream State, and/or LessLoss? Have you tried the ICs from Jade Audio?

12-05-07: Dave_b
No not a one! I've been happy with the Wegrzyn and Transparent MM PC's and I love my MIT Oracle V2.2 stuff.

'nuff said. I think Bill sums up your posts best:

01-17-07: Audiofeil
>>Nothing else brings out the music in the best systems.<<

Sorry, that's disingenuous. Perhaps it works in your case but there is no single cable manufacturer whose products are the best for all systems.

Move on back one square.


01-26-07: Dave_b
Bottom line is that you need to enjoy whatever music it is that you listen to...I was way out of line!

02-06-07: Dave_b
I take it back...don't hate me!

That's much better Dave, now you're starting to 'get it'. Hehehe.
Jmcgrogan2, are you a stalker or a spook? I was attempting to be humble and express my biases, however I have owned many power cords from Purist, Synergistic, Shunyata, PS audio, HarmTech, Transparent, MIT, Cardas, Kimber, Wegrzyn, and some other giant killer cable companies who's names escape me. My experiences bring me to the conclusion that certain products outperform many of the brands offered in a market wrought with mediocrity. Self deprication and candidness should not be misconstrued as a reversal of conviction.