Removal of plug/wall outlet - hard connection ?

Have anyone removed the plug and wall receptacle altogether and hard wired the end of the PC to the Romex coming out of the outlet box ?
I am thinking of doing this with my power amps only.
I am aware of the electrical codes regarding this set up, but if it is properly done safety will not be an issue.
Is there any sonic improvements ?
I have removed my WBT banannas and speakers bananna sockets and hardwired the bare wires together and it does create an improvement in the area of low level information.
Thank you.
I don't think it is wise. My Njoe Tjoeb 4000 CDP had a cheap little 2 wire cord. I replaced it with a better cable (and will upgrade it again soon) which is hard wired to the power block inside the unit, and then goes to a nice plug and nice outlet. I unplug my electronics during electrical storms and when I am out of town. I worry less. You will not have this option.
Terryakhan, I've done something similar about 6 or 7 years ago where I had excess slack in my dedicated lines and I connected an aftermarket IEC connector on the end of the Romex in order to plug the Romex straight into the back of the amp.

Before and after this tweak I was using excellent power conditioning and so even though the tweak might normally provide greater benefit, in this case it was a downgrade in performance simply because there is no substitution for proper line conditioning.

And though there may well have been some recognizable gains had I not been using excellent line conditioning I would have to imagine there are other areas of AC modifications that will bring far greater benefits including proper line conditioning, aftermarket plugs and IEC connectors, and cryo-treating plugs, Romex, cables, IEC connectors, ics, and scs, etc., and still remain within code so as not to void potential insurance claims. Double-cryo-treating is even better.

Thank you for your kind responses. I found the answer out for myself this weekend.
Sonics have more than improved, low level information is louder and clearer, bass notes have gained another octave, normal level setting on my preamp is about 75 now I have turned it down to 65. This improvement is greater than that the ones generated at my speakers plug ins removal.
The PCs are hardwired at the plug in end only, directly to the Romex feeding the outlet box in the wall, inother words both the Oyaide male AC plug 079 and Oyaide SWO-GXX wall outlet been removed, on all four of my amps.
The amps are still feed via the PCs but without being plugged in, but hardwired instead.
The 4 amps are still plugged in with the IEC at the end of the PCs. This type of connection can be also eliminated by the removal of both the IEC plug and socket, but this means entering the amp.
I have conducted this test only because of what I discovered after removing my speakers WBT plug and sockets.
And I am convinced that plug in devices do create some losses I have never thought could make so much differences.

Thx Terry
Terry, there's no doubt that what you are doing with the electrical can be sonically beneficial.

However, these specific improvements cannot exceed the performance of proper line conditioning and your dedicated lines are not cleansing the dirty AC coming in from the street.

Moreover, it appears you are altering your components and/or speakers to the point where few people would ever purchase them should you ever put them up for sale (assuming you disclose these alterations in the ads).

In other words, I would like to caution you that there are greater gains to be had than those that may permanently alter your components/speakers.

But I also commend your experimental qualities as you are realizing there is much to be gained from altering/improving the AC.

In fact, since you've gone this far, I would suggest removing the power cables altogether and just load the romex to the IEC connectors going into the components. And then if you're really up to it, contact Cryo-Nebraska and ask them to purchase some 12 gauge Romex solid core at their local hardware store and then double-cryo-treat and ship to you for installation. Not to mention obtaining double-cryo-treated IEC connectors.