Speltz Anti Cable vs. SilverClear Day Speaker Wire

I've got a modded set of MMGs in my system that I currently have Anti Cable speaker wire running to. They sound pretty good to me. However, I have recently switched to silver ICs and the change was amazing. Do you think that the Silver Clear Days would make a difference from the Anti Cables I now have? Thanks for any opinions.
I have used both and prefer the Clear Day cables. I have Magnepan 2.7s. The Shotgun silver cables will amaze you. Paul sent me an 8' pair of single run silver cables and I liked them immediately. I ordered the shotgun set and he sent them quickly. Clear Day has to be one of the best and most honest businesses around. If you don't like the cables after auditioning them you simply return them. Try them! You have absolutely nothing to lose and you could just save yourself a lot of money.
I currently am using Speltz Anti-Cables, but would like to find out more about the Clear Day Cables. Do they have a website??
Paul advertises his Clear Day cables on Audiogon. I don't know if I'm allowed to post a link to the current ad. Just use the search function. His user name is Vonwaffen. Mine are still breaking in, and are sounding even better over the past few days. I can't tell you how happy I am with this purchase. If you check previous posts, you'll find a few similarly flabbergasted owners