Idea to reduce RFI

I live 1 block from the main mobile communication tower. That my speakers has pickup some radio channel though its only audible with my ear next to the speaker.

i am looking for any idea to reduce this kind of RFI. how bout an ferrite core? ERS paper? shield interconnect? shield power cable? which is most effective way as read somewhere in the forum that shield PC for amp causes dead sound?

line conditioner or iso transformer help with RFI or they only good to clean up power?

i have all ungrounded cdp , pre and amp. would shielding PC help with floating ground units to reduce RFI?

my system:
cdp cyrus 8x with psr (no ground from unit)
pre amc cvt 1030 (no ground from unit)
amp amc cvt 2100 (no ground from unit)
cd buffer yaqin 6j1
belden diy PC
lessloss PC
few diy shielded and unshielded PC
audio art ic-3
gabriel gold Rev
kci silkworm
xindak fs gold
spendor s 3/5
porter port outlet on the way

thanks in advance
I had a similar problem. Connecting my sources and preamp to a power conditioner eliminated all RFI. If you're not using one, I highly recommend it.
Thanks for all the replies

Elizabeth, how to reroute the particular offending wire? how to locate one? by changing to diff cable?

Musicslug, no its not visible. havent tried rotating. but my room does not permit it. has doors on left and right.

Mingles, no i havent. which brand do you suggest? budget maybe $1000 or less. will $2000 one makes substantial diff from $1000?

I've been using a PS Audio Quintet. You'll see them used for around $400. The Duet has the same design, but only four receptacles. It's around $200 used.
I want to elaborate on Elizabeth's point about wires acting as an antenna. An AC system is a giant antenna that collects noise from the neighborhood and delivers it to your components through their power cords.

I live in an apartment with two restaurants a floor below me, refrigeration units a floor above, and a cell phone tower on the roof. You couldn't ask for a worse situation in this hobby. I wrestled with RFI for a long time before I stumbled into a forum where someone suggested a power conditioner. Being cheap, I bought a used Monster Power Center HTS 1000. It was worthless in my opinion. When I switched to a Quintet, the noise completely disappeared. I have absolutely no noise coming out of my speakers with the system powered up and the volume at 3/4.

Not to change the subject, but you'll have to experiment to figure out whether or not to plug your amps into a conditioner. Initially, I did just that because I only had two receptacles on the wall. I took the advice of someone on Agon and installed a second outlet which gave me the chance to hear it both ways. That's when I noticed a weird compression when the amps were plugged into the conditioner. The background was dead quiet, but the music had an artificial veiled quality. YMMV.
Several years ago I had an excessive RFI situation (radio station coming through stereo), in my case it was speaker cables with little or no shielding. Replacing with well shielded speaker cables solved the problem (Kimber Trifocal XL). Also, make sure all interconnects and power cords are well shielded.
As Elizabeth mentioned, moving cables around can have great effect. I suffered the radio station problems only when my system was set up on the long wall, in short wall setup I had no problems.
A power conditioner may or may not help, I was using a PS Audio P300 when I had my radio station probems.
ERS paper and Shakti Stones over transformers may help as well. Too much ERS paper will damp and veil the sound so use judiciously.