Anyone switich to all Signal Cable wired system?

Recently a friend of mine replaced all of his cables (power, interconnects, speaker, digital) from a combination of cables including at one time top of the line models from Synergistic, Audioquest, and VH Audio to an all Signal Cable system following Frank's advice. The results were astounding. His system improved in every way that I could report in audiophile jargon. I'm now contemplating doing the same. Anyone else experimented and found similar/or not results?
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I have a complete cable set except for the speakers.
Most are the Analog 2 copper with bullet Plugs and between Lamm L2R and ML2.1 I have a 6.0m Silver Resolution for comparison. And a few from his Silver Power cords.
When there is something like the "Real Deal", then it is that.
Top recommendation.
Interesting comments regarding RF noise. I found the Nordost Frey to pickup much more interference and the Signals to be dead quiet. Grounding the Freys helped but the Signal Silvers are still quieter.
I believe this is why I've been feeling that they actually are a little attenuated on the top but on longer listening everything seems to be in place. Nothing is missing, just quieter.
I have ABd Signal cable and anticable to Transparent Ref Ic's. Transparent Ref won, no question, But they are as good as or better than ultra's. A cable Ten times the price. I have all signalcable silver ref power cables and love them. I have not compaired them to any others. For your System, I would recomend Transparent Audio Ref with Xl or better. Nice system!!! Good used cables on Audiogon!