Cable elevators - conventional wisdom wrong?

Reluctant to put any considerable money in them, the reasons for using cable elevators seemed intuitively correct to me: decouple cables mechanically from vibration and insulate them from the carpet's static. I have therefore built cheap elevators myself using Lego building blocks. (Plastic with a more or less complex internal structure; moreover, there is enormous shaping flexibility, for instance you can also build gates with suspended strings on which to rest the cables)
In their advertisement/report on the Dark Field elevators, Shunyata now claim that conventional elevators are actually (very?) detrimental in that they enable a strong static field to build up between cable and floor causing signal degradation.
Can anyone with more technical knowledge than I have assess how serious the described effect is likely to be? Would there, theoretically, be less distortion with cables lying on the floor? Has anyone actually experienced this?
Given all the talk about them, I decided to pull them out of my system and what do you know, they were dulling transients, obscuring low level detail and detrimental to articulation not to mention that the build quality is quite questionable as one of them is already falling apart. Needless to say they aren't going near my system again. Looks like it's time to go back to the Acoustic Revive well.
Hey Guys.

We sell THESE but they're not too difficult to build if you've got the tools and a Saturday afternoon. I still say this is the best approach yeilding the best sonics and there's reason for it - but if I told you I'd have to kill you ;)

At one point we tried applying ERS cloth as the carrier but while it changed the sound more dramatically, it wasn't in a positive direction. Try it yourself and see what you think.

Have fun!

Just a note to address the "junk" and "falling apart" comments.

We have received some original sets of the DFE's back that had an issue with humidity weakening the type of adhesive used. The issue was immediately addressed and there have been no further incidents. Anyone that still has a set with the adhesive problem is welcome to return those to their dealer for a replacement set, or perhaps a credit depending on the dealer policies. This was a simple error in an original production run. We stand behind the issue and have corrected it.

As to the performance comments, these will be taken into context with all the response and comments received from dealers and customers. The DFE's were developed from sound theory and tested using mainly open braid and non shielded cable systems. Though they have worked extremely well in many different systems since coming to market, no product of this type will likely ever be universal in result given how many different systems, environments and cable designs are out there in every conceivable context. The best advice is always to evaluate and base a purchase on the outcome.


Shunyata Research
Samuel, I suspect that most any manufacturer could or would claim that their cable risers were developed "from sound theory." I guess sound here has two meanings-well based and sounding good. I assume you mean the former. If so, what is that theory?

About five years ago, I made or bought some 25 different types of risers. I folded cardboard into triangular shape with notches for the cables. I had chopsticks with twistems around their centers. I had glass blocks and glass isolators found behind at power substation as well as ceramic ones also found there. I had ceramic tiles with two angled together and held into position on a wooden base. I made sting supporter and monofilm supporters with wood supports. I made risers out of maple, walnut, pine, oak, and even some with ebony tops. I tried china cups, earthenware bowls, stemmed glasses. I got tall risers made of the material that chips are or were shipped in. I bought ceramic entirely dark brown Suspenders from Rightway Audio shaped like electrical isolators and from a surplus isolator site in Iowa defective 18K volt 15" tall isolators with lead bases. I don't think I tried jewel boxes, but I did have plastic cups and paper cups. I use one gallon milk bottles with their top cut off. I am probably forgetting some of my attempts. All of these were, of course, without any "sound theory," just shots in the dark.

Everyone of these help over having the cables on the ground, but one stood out, the Rightway Audio Suspenders. I think they are out of business now and I have never tried the present company making such ceramic isolators product.

I must say that I bought Combac speaker wire wooden supports at a later date, which were nice under my speaker wires,but they had to be on top my Suspenders. I do not see these feet on the Combac page now.

I will just turn further experimentation over to younger audiophiles and enjoy my Suspenders.