XLR Connector Comparison

Has anyone done a head to head comparison between different XLR connectors and have impressions to share?

Furutech vs Vampire vs Xhadow vs other

bronze/gold copper/gold rhodium plated other alloy combinations

The best is Neutrik (Gold pins or Silver), and they used by the majority of manufacturer of cables, like Synergistic Research and still others. Moreover they are not the most expensive.
I have a set of XLRs with Xhadow. The fit of the Xhadow is vastly superior to Neutrix. This alone allows for improved signal flow.
Orcas 747 I have used Bocchino audio http://www.bocchtech.com/bocchinoaudio/baxlr.htm - although expensive they are superbly built and you can try different cable toplogies forever with complete ease and use a wide variety of cables and ribbons - I have not really compared them as it is too much trouble - I have achieved good results against very expensive cables but have not swapped XLR's

I found the Neutriks to be soundly beaten by the Switchcraft and neither came close to the top of the range Furutechs.