Warm copper speaker cables under $500 new

Recent cable experiments have demonstrated two things to me:

1) I like copper better.
2) Unfortunately, while the economy brands are very good, it is possible to do better.

I am now in the market for something that will be warm - not bright in the least - and full, yet detailed. And I do seem to favor solid-core wire (single or more than one, individually wrapped) to stranded.

Any suggestions?
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if one agrees on the definition of warm as a coloration, it follows that my preference has nothing to do with my perception.

manufacturers do not want to expose themselves to the criticism of reviewers when they design a product which has obvious coloration. george cardas will tell you the golden cross is a neutral cable.

if i have searched for "warm" sounding components. i don't believe they exist. if they do they are not in current production, or they are confined to a few single ended triode amps.

preference and judgment are two separate phenomena. in fact one should trust my judgment, because i feel i am qualified to identify "warmth" when i hear it.

my aural acuity has never been questioned, rather i have been criticized for my preference.

look at this way, if some one does not like a solid state amp, and then recommends one, pay special heed to that recommendation, as it probably is something special.

ihave auditioned and reviewed many sets of cable and have yet to have heard a "warm" cable, consistent with the definition. i have come to accept and live with a balanced frequency response.
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