Another explaination of perceived directionality is the dielectric settling into a charge. If you reverse the connection then you'll hear an immediate deterioration that'll go away if your put them back like they were. However, if the dielectric charge is the cause, then if you leave it in the system long enough to "burn-in" again, then the preferable direction will reverse. If this is the explaination, then the arrows only serve to allow for consistent, repeatable connection.
This also can explain directionality in speaker cables and why elevating cables with insolators can improve sound.
I personally don't think that the copper crystals care at all which way the electrons flow. (In speaker cables they're going both ways, BTW). However, I have observed how changing the direction of a cable is heard.
Jeff Rowland told me and some others that he thinks that dielectric charges explains most of what we observe in equipment burn-in.
This also can explain directionality in speaker cables and why elevating cables with insolators can improve sound.
I personally don't think that the copper crystals care at all which way the electrons flow. (In speaker cables they're going both ways, BTW). However, I have observed how changing the direction of a cable is heard.
Jeff Rowland told me and some others that he thinks that dielectric charges explains most of what we observe in equipment burn-in.