Power cord for Cary 805AE?


My system is all Cary (slp-05, 805AE, 306 SACD) with Kimber cable. Which brand of power cord do you use for the Cary 805AE?
Tran, I'm using the Zu Mother on my Primare I30 I have also had a SimAudio I-7 and the GamuT DI-150 with great results. I have just switched to the Kci Power Cord and it's smoother with the solid state gear. I have a Cary SLI80 Signature F1 coming and I'm going to try the Zu Mother on tubes. You will be very happy with the Mother over the Zu Bok as I also had that cable and the Bok is better suited for solid state. But the Kci is so well made with Furutech ends and not the size of a firehose that I have no problem recomending them. They sounded more natural than PS Audio, Cardas, and Zu.

Would you provide me the KCI website? I tried to google it, but nothing came up.

It's koolcable.com. He needs to up-date his site but drop him a line he's great to deal with and very knowledgible. Peace and Good Listening to All.
I have a beautiful cary system with tannoy 15" HPDs 40 years old. I have just been introduced to lessloss powercords
and I am blown away my gear sounds 25% better than with the Vallhalla power cords! I can send you pics if you give me your mail -
I was also able to try the Firewall which is a unit that removes all the noise and crap from the wall outlet/substation/power station etc. and it took the music to a different level -I almost cried when Louis packed it up = You see I live 50 miles away from the factory!
visit the web site the stuff is amazing -

hope this helps

many thanks

Thanks Paul for the website. $569 is not bad if it works. Do you know if they have a return policy in case the cord doesn't work as we expected.
