Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?

A pair of Franck Tschang's tuned interconnects (see Six Moons reviews) are still breaking in, in my system, but they have already "stomped" my Harmonic Technology Magic 2, HT Pro-Silway III+, and Van den Hul Orchid. While I don't have any at present, from memory I'd also say that they handily vanquish the Nordost Valhalla and Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects in my system. They are not HiFi spectacular, but are the most musical and least electronic sounding cables I've ever heard. Interestingly, several recording that have always sounded compressed and confused in spots, which I just attributed to the recording, are rendered cleanly for the first time with these cables and no other system changes.
I replaced a 1m Acoustic Zen Silver mkII with a Liveline. No looking back. Amazing Cable. I got a pair from Barry Konigs, Transparent Audio. He can be contacted at 484 547 6799. He located in PA.

I just ordered a 6m run XLR to replace my other Acoustic Zen Silver mkII.
Jimi_p, are you going to try Liveline spkr cables?

First I replaced my SR Apex Bi-wire with Liveline and cheap jumpers. Friends familiar with my system were stunned by the improvements. They repeatly asked is spkr cable only thing I changed.

Now my system is all liveline. I'm using 2 single runs for bi-wiring and a HUGE improvements over single+jumpers.

Surprisely Liveline is the 1st cable that I found works equally well with both SS and tube.

If anyone needs an EXCELLENT Liveline dealer, contact me with PM.
My whole system is wired with Liveline cables. I can go on for pages about tonality, soundstage and details it is all there in spades. Bottom line, the Liveline speaker cables in my system sounded better than my long time favorite Stealth Hybrid MLTs and I consider those one of the best price/sound speaker cables I tried. The Liveline ICs replaced Stealth Metacarbon and those do not need any introduction. Also another thing I like about Liveline that they are very flexible and not so visible with highest WAF. My second system now also wired with Livelines ICs and speaker cables. Considering their cost I think the Livelibe cables a bargain. I am not a dealer, just a very satisfied customer.
I came across this old thread quite a while ago and the enthusiasm for the liveline impressed me. The 6 moons and the Stereo Times reviews were flat out raves.This cable stayed on my mind for the past 5 months more or less. Well I got a 1 meter pair IC between my DAC and linestage and it`s simply fantastic!The tone reproduction,dynamic energy and resolution is top tier with just beautiful harmonic overtones and a full weight and pure natural sound of instruments and voices.I listen to acoustic jazz 90% of the time and man oh man! trumpet,saxes,drum kits,vibraphones and piano sound so present and realistic.Lots of energy and presence into the room, yet everything stays relaxed and unforced.Franck Tchang did a masterful job in making these superb cables.The past 2 years I`d used the PS Audio Transcendent solid core silver 18ga. which is truely an excellent IC, and I had prefered it to any other cable in my system. The tonality and timbre preservation of the livelne is extraordinary.