Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?

A pair of Franck Tschang's tuned interconnects (see Six Moons reviews) are still breaking in, in my system, but they have already "stomped" my Harmonic Technology Magic 2, HT Pro-Silway III+, and Van den Hul Orchid. While I don't have any at present, from memory I'd also say that they handily vanquish the Nordost Valhalla and Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects in my system. They are not HiFi spectacular, but are the most musical and least electronic sounding cables I've ever heard. Interestingly, several recording that have always sounded compressed and confused in spots, which I just attributed to the recording, are rendered cleanly for the first time with these cables and no other system changes.
Thanks Pani:
Please describe the differences between the Crimson and your former Fusion Audio Romance. And thanks for the tip on the Monarchy Audio re-generator!
03-01-11: F1a
Thanks Pani:
Please describe the differences between the Crimson and your former Fusion Audio Romance. And thanks for the tip on the Monarchy Audio re-generator!
F1a (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
This is funny. In this crazy hobby, the next one is the best and greatest ... no end in sight ... this INCLUDES myself.

Got to say as far as IC and speaker cables goes, I'm off the bus and have desire to hop back on anytime soon.
I can except pani`s choice of cables, differerent ears,taste,system, perception etc. He`s found what works for him. I, like you have settled down with the liveline.If pani is as happy with his cable as we are with our ASI, he should be off the merry go round as well.
03-01-11: Charles1dad
I can except pani`s choice of cables, differerent ears,taste,system, perception etc. He`s found what works for him. I, like you have settled down with the liveline.If pani is as happy with his cable as we are with our ASI, he should be off the merry go round as well.
Charles1dad (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Of course Charles1dad, Pani can use whatever works for him. We all have different systems, taste ... I have no problems with it.

That's NOT the point of my post. I'm making a general comment on all audiophiles with the upgradesis syndrom.
Fla, the Fusion Audio Romance IC is more romantic sounding. It has a lush, rich tone but it is not veiled, muddy or slow like typical romantic sounding ICs. It has good extension on both ends and makes music sound really full and present. That is its USP. It actually adds tube like character to the presentation, with instruments sounding big and bold. However it is definitely colored. It is not neutral to the tone. What you hear is a larger than life presentation. I would say every audiophile should listen to the Fusion in his system at least once. It is like savoring an exotic dish. You may or may not like it that is a different topic.

OTOH, the Crimson doesnt do anything to change the sound, if at all I have not yet noticed it. It is more extended on both ends and the extension comes across clean and airy. It is also more transparent and a little more see through. I would say if you want to add some extra life, color, romance, vigor, presence to the sound, go with the Fusion. If you think your system has it all and you just want to listen to your system un-adultrated go with the Crimson.

Both the interconnects are smooth and musical so it is left to your system's balance and your preferences