Cables for my system?

Hey out there,

I am running around in the cable jungle, and I can't find the way out of it. I don't know wich cable way I have to go. Can you help me?

This is my setup:

Marantz SA11S1 SACD player
Pass Labs X1 preamp
GamuT D200 mk3 poweramp
Martin Logan Summit

I hope you can help me.
Just another note, the reason that I brought it up about John's cables is because John is very experienced and knowledgeable in the hobby.

He's helped me quite a few times before with his thoughts and advice, and I believe that he would never steer you wrong if he's familiar with your actual pieces and you tell him what sound you're looking for and hoping to find.

The bottom line is that cables are extremely system dependant. A particular line may be excellent in one system and garbage in another. You must play with many brands and decide which one is for you. I use Anti-Cables which are cheap and work in my system better than any Cardas, Audioquest, Purist, etc., etc. They come with a money back guarantee, and you should try these out to see if they indeed work in your system. I have no affiliation with Anti-Cables except to say that they absolutely transformed my system.
Jeez, thanks Chuck. It's good to know that some of my insanity is appreciated. ;)

Anyway, Rene, I would find it in bad taste to push my own wares, so I won't. From what you are describing, I could have a couple of recommendations though. Stealth actually would be my first choice given your preferences, but I do find their speaker cables better $$$ values than their interconnects. They are spot on for speed, resolution and musicality.
Second choice would be Ridge Street Audio Designs Poiema!!! (some variation of !!!) or Soundsmith. You could either look to buy some used, or try RSAD's 45 day money back guarantee on new product. You could also try Nordost cables, as I have found them very transparent, but not so much on the dynamic side. Happy hunting!


FWIW, with no disrespect to Stringreen, I have tried Anticables in my system. They are a very good value, but not the best out there, which one would expect for the price. Also, they tend to err on the warm side of nuetral, and would not provide the transparancy or dynamics that you seek.
Thank you for your response. I will chek out some of your recommendations.

Thank you!