Help with upgrading speaker cables

I have a BAT VK55 and Vandersteen 2Ci speakers. I currently have Kimber Kables biwired between them. These cables are about 20 years old. I am thinking of upgrading them. I like a detailed sound neutral warm as opposed to neutral bright. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you to everyone for your suggestions. I will do research on the cables mentioned and work from there.
Thanks again for all your help.
Another question: I assume performance diminishes with time with cables. Have anyone seen this happen in their system?
Yes a cable can make your sound worse. Absolutely, some cables are just a poor match.
'BTW how much do those Synergistic cables you like cost. Please be honest I would like to try them if they aren't real expensive. Please don't ask what expensive is because it depends on how much money I have at any given time.
JPS Superconductor 3 speaker cables would seem to fit your description. They have constituted the single, most wonderfully sounding cable change ever IN MY SYSTEM. I find them more natural sounding, musical and listenable/relaxing than both the Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator and Acoustic Reference.