Help with upgrading speaker cables

I have a BAT VK55 and Vandersteen 2Ci speakers. I currently have Kimber Kables biwired between them. These cables are about 20 years old. I am thinking of upgrading them. I like a detailed sound neutral warm as opposed to neutral bright. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Yes a cable can make your sound worse. Absolutely, some cables are just a poor match.
'BTW how much do those Synergistic cables you like cost. Please be honest I would like to try them if they aren't real expensive. Please don't ask what expensive is because it depends on how much money I have at any given time.
JPS Superconductor 3 speaker cables would seem to fit your description. They have constituted the single, most wonderfully sounding cable change ever IN MY SYSTEM. I find them more natural sounding, musical and listenable/relaxing than both the Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator and Acoustic Reference.
EE3 - actually, in my system, they were better than anything else I could throw at it. Money was no object. As I said, I tried all the high priced blends, and the Anti-cables were the best. As a matter of fact, Audioquest has a new muti-thousand dollar interconnect, that is 3 or 4 times that of Sky (I forgot at the moment). By the way, in my system, Sky had just a bit less performance than Anti-Cable - 2nd best. Anyway, I plugged these things into my system, and my wife thought that something broke. She raised her voice and asked me what I had done THIS time...put it back the way it was. This just demonstrates that all systems are different, and we who are looking for "The Best", can't take anyone's word for the superiority of any cable. You MUST listen to how it performs in your own system, evalutate, and reject it, or write a check.
JTMA..performance can diminish with time. You really should clean the connections every couple of months. It's just good hygene.