
I just replaced the plugs on my power cords with Oyaide. The difference in sound is startling. There is just so much more going on. The dynamics are oh so much more varied, and delicate. I don't get that distortion when I make it louder...it just easily gets louder. Great!!!
I have a 1.5 m length of Oyaide Tunami I bought from
VH Audio terminated with Oyaide p/c-004 plugs i also purchased there, you can see pics here;


The drop in noise floor was so dramatic I had to adjust my volume setting and panicked I had screwed up the attachment some how causing a drop in volume level somehow,lol.. It was a rather startling and obvious change from the
pre-fabbed stock cable I'd had. Mating it with their R1 may have had something to do with the overall success of the effort but I am very satisfied.
I have also been experimenting with Oyaide plugs and IECs -- replacing the stock plugs and IECs on the ends of Synergistic Research Master Couplers. The effect has been nothing short of astonishing especially with the P-004 and C-004. Resolution, dynamics, sound stage have all improved dramatically. I see that SR actually uses an Oyaide P-079 on the end of one or 2 of their high end cables. Actually I have found the P-79 veiled and constricted the sound and the P-004 opened everything up and took the veil off with the Master Couplers -- this was on a special purpose cable from a 100-volt amp to a step-down transformer. But I imagine Ted Denney at SR knows what he is doing with the cables he is terminating with Oyaide plugs. He is one of the most knowledgeable people in the high end audio business -- IMHO.
Update: Regarding my earlier posting about the P-079 I changed things around. I cut the stock plug off the step-down transformer and spliced it on the end -- the result was dramatic. The transformer now leads via a Master Coupler to a 100-volt Marantz PM-15 (original 1994 version) integrated amplifier. I took the stock plugs off the Master Coupler and spliced on an Oyaide C-004 IEC and P-037 -- a dramatic improvement, once again. If you experiment with low cost SR Master Couplers and high cost Oyaides you may find a perfect match for your system. It is all about synergy. You will notice an immediate difference in resolution (so much more low level detail), bass and sound stage.