Do isolation devices really help?

I am curious about your thoughts on isolation devices--cones, pads, etc.. Do they really help? I can maybe understand how they may help with a CD player because you have a rotating disc moving picking up signals. But for solid state equipment like the preamp and amp I really don't understand what they would contribute for improving sound quality. I'm thinking about cones, etc for my CD transport. Any advice and comments about effect on other components?
There seems to be a huge difference in my enjoyment factor when I sit on pads versus cones. I prefer the pads.
Donald, I couldn't resist the previous attempt at humor. Seriously, this subject requires experimentation. My turntable doesn't want anything other than a well-coupled stand to sit on. My electronics don't seem to care one way or another and my CDP likes a weight on top of it. From what I've read in the forums previously it takes time to find what works unless you bubble wrap the world.
Well said Pbb. As long as we can`t agree on how we are to know if any device makes any audible difference, then we shall never agree on whether there is any benefit from using said devices. Anecdotal `evidence` is useless in this discussion. If someone hears a difference or benefit (and I won't dispute that assertion), good for him/her, but it is useless knowledge for someone else.
Hi Donald: You may find that a quality (isloated)equipment stand is all that you need. Lovan makes a fantastic, inexpensive (Classic II series), modular (available in 6" and 10" --between shelves) stand , tri-pod style that looks great and is very effective in isolating components from vibrations.
There may be some effective isolation feet/cones etc. out there, but it is my belief that a well-engineered audio component would be designed with the knowledge of microphonics, what type of "footing" to use and WHERE to (specifically)position it.

peter jasz
Yes, under your CD player try the Daruma's 80% of the Aurious or Symposium roller blocks. You can find a dealer or manufacturer who will offer in home trials.

No brainer.