Stereovox LSP-600c and Merlin?

Hello. I am currently using Merlin VSM-MXe with Audience AU24 speaker cables. I'm looking to upgrade my cables and I would like something that would be a noticeable improvement, not a slight, you might be able to hear a subtle difference kind of "improvement".

I have a good opportunity on a pair of Stereovox LSP-600c and was wondering what their general sound was like. I read the Stereophile review and they sounded a little cold or at least leaning that way which has me a little concerned but again, I wondered what people who've heard them think.

I am looking for something that presents a good soundstage, quiet background, good detail, full real (not overblown) harmonics, with good dynamics and PRAT, (how's that for a tall order).

Price wise I'd like to keep it as cheap as possible but I realize I'm going to have to spend to get all or most of that in a cable. Let's say in the 2K range just to give you some parameters to work with but obviously less is better but there's no point in throwing out a 5K suggestion.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Your gear is great. I'd stick. Your set-up looks weird (and less than optimal). Move stuff around and see, unless you have a need to spend money.
Weird? It's on an angle from a corner of the room. I get what you're saying but it actually looks pretty normal in real life. It's just a bit of an illusion in the photo although I'm sure a dedicated room with appropriate treatments would improve things, that requires a new house.

I've flip-flopped about sticking with the cables I've got and have stuck with them for 3 years now. Sometimes I think I'm just exhibiting OCD, I'm sure a first for anyone on this site ;-)

I haven't heard Stereovox here (Basis TT, Joule, Merlin) but your EXACT wish list matches what I received going to Tg Audio speaker cables from Cardas Golden Ref and AU24 here...

Hall info, seperation,layering, height of stage, width, depth, wholeness, PRAT bigtime, all improved with the TG. The off axis info (players far left of the left speaker, and far right of the right speaker) became more palpable, better seperated YET more a part of the whole ensemble and room/hall of the recording... while the center image gained in "see around-ness" too... very 3d, not cardboardy cut outs.

rear hall info, or players way back in the recording (whether symphonic or Van Gelder) became more real and easier to hear as well - without those players moving forward - rather becoming more seated where the recording presents them (some did seem to be deeper in the stage, some stayed localized in the same spot, just the hall info went further back). Deep bass was the real eye opener with Tg...

The TG Audio High Purity IC's were just as obvious an "upgrade" for me (not just a sideways move).

Just my humble/enthusiastic opinion...

Oh, and I use Bobby's Cardas lead free jumpers...