Stereovox LSP-600c and Merlin?

Hello. I am currently using Merlin VSM-MXe with Audience AU24 speaker cables. I'm looking to upgrade my cables and I would like something that would be a noticeable improvement, not a slight, you might be able to hear a subtle difference kind of "improvement".

I have a good opportunity on a pair of Stereovox LSP-600c and was wondering what their general sound was like. I read the Stereophile review and they sounded a little cold or at least leaning that way which has me a little concerned but again, I wondered what people who've heard them think.

I am looking for something that presents a good soundstage, quiet background, good detail, full real (not overblown) harmonics, with good dynamics and PRAT, (how's that for a tall order).

Price wise I'd like to keep it as cheap as possible but I realize I'm going to have to spend to get all or most of that in a cable. Let's say in the 2K range just to give you some parameters to work with but obviously less is better but there's no point in throwing out a 5K suggestion.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

This is the dealer I mentioned in my last paragraph. The page has a brief description of the Stereovox Reference series in the context of the AU24 and Valhalla cables.
I have a very similar setup as your's and have been running with TG speaker cables from the start. I love 'em and would recommend anyone with Merlins to at least give them a try. I really find no fault with them, but then I haven't tried any others......yet. Often tempted to try Cardas GR since I use it for i/c and like it a lot. Also curious about Jena Labs' cable but it's so damn $$$! Others that I am curious about are the Kubala "Emotion" the Silent Source speaker cables.

I think if you wanted to pick up and try the TG Audio, you could find a 2m pair for about 400 bucks.

good luck, and nice system
Thanks for the system compliments guys...

Some other speaker cables I'm curious about are the Stealth Hybrid MTL (I've liked the Stealth Hyperphono and Metacarbon interconnects I added to my system and wonder how the speaker cables would be), and was also interested in the Kubala Sosna Emotion. Anyone heard either of them on Merlins?

I've owned Kubala Emotion and tons of other high grade cables. Silent Source Music Reference is WAY beyond Kubala!
The Kubala Emotion were too dark and slow sounding in my system. I went from Valhalla to Audio Magic Clairvoyant and then to Stereovox LSP 600C. The Stereovox cables are definitely in the upper tier of cables. In my system they had the speed, transparancy, and focus of the Valhalla's with more weight in the midrange. The Audio Magic cables had the speed and weight of the Stereovox but with less focus and transparency.