XLR vs. Phono Cables

I am in the process of purchasing a new phono preamp -- the reason being is that my turntable is a distance from my preamp and I need a slight boost of signal. The wires must travel about 12 feet from my turnatble behind a television set to my preamp. This is probably not ideal, but I really don't have a choice.

Earlier I posted recommendations for phono preamps in the $500 to $1,500 price range. I received some very nice feedback. Some of the phono preamps have XLR support, while others only support standard phono cables.

Would I be better off buying a phono preamp with XLR outputs, or will standard phono cables be ok for my purpose?

Thank you.
it has been my experience that components are designed either single ended or balanced. Yes some of them can do either, but they sound much better in their preferred mode. Ask your manufacturer about that. I have all Ayre equipment, and indeed every component sounds better balanced than single ended. There are components that sound better single ended.
Good advice from Stringreen on XLR and RCA, but I adamantly agree with Shadorne on the issue of distance.

You're far better off with a tiny phono stage hidden behind and below your turntable, than running 12 feet of interconnect to the best phono preamp made. It's simple, once the signal is ruined it cannot be reconstructed.
I second what Shardone wrote - Don't do it. Not only that levels are small but also low frequencies are boosted by phono stage. In addition cable's capacitance my interfere with your cartridge.
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Perhaps I didn't make this clear, but the phono preamp will be placed right next to the turntable. The long cable will connect the phono preamp to the actual preamp. I believe this is the recommended way to do it.

TT -- 1' --> Phono Preamp ------ 12' -----> Preamp

What I'm wondering is whether XLR is preferred over standard phono cables for this 12 foot length of cable.

Sorry for the confusion.