Do Nordost match with B&W

Hi guys!
Has anyone had any experience with the nordost heimdall and B&W805s? I have B&W 805s,marantz PM14 and FURUTECH interconnect. Now i want to buy NORDOST HEIMDALL to replace the furutech, please give me some advise. I'm from Vietnam.
Your friends describtion of the Nordost sound, is how I also would describe it. But if you want warm sound, you shall not look for Nordost. I would try with Transparent cables, I prefer these myself. Can you borrow Transparent cables from your dealer?
In addition to auditioning the Transparent cables, you might want to try some cables from MIT.
The dealer here have almost everything like Transparent, Taralab, MIT.... but i cant borrow. That's my problem
Your friend's description on Nordost sound coincides with my thoughts. I have not tried Heimdall but I have owned the higher-end Nordost Frey XLR interconnect. If you want more dynamics and better bass, consider the XLO Signature 2. The bass on the XLO kills the Nordost. If you want slightly warmer sound but still have good dynamics and bass you can also try Acoustic Zen Silver Reference 2. Haven't heard the Transparent before so can't comment. Good luck in choosing your cable.
Can you compare the cables in the hifi store? I you can't borrow the cables, then I think that would be the best idea.
Good luck in your cable search. Cables can be a pretty big jungle.