Do Nordost match with B&W

Hi guys!
Has anyone had any experience with the nordost heimdall and B&W805s? I have B&W 805s,marantz PM14 and FURUTECH interconnect. Now i want to buy NORDOST HEIMDALL to replace the furutech, please give me some advise. I'm from Vietnam.
Transparent just came with their new MM2 upgrade of all their cables. I readed in TAS that it's a big sonic upgrade, so if you buy a Transparent cable, bee sure it's the newest line.
All Transparent cables have the same sonic character, so try the one you can afford. It just get better, when you go up their product line.
Good luck! I am sure you will like them.
Here in Denmark the Transparent MusicWave Super (speakercable) and MusicLink Super (interconnect), are in the same price range as the Nordost Heimdall.
You can read about them on Transparents website:

Purist 20th Anniversary Aqueous speaker cables were the best match with my B&W N803. Smooth, clear, transparent and great bass. I owned Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun, Audience AU24 and tried Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator. The Purist was the best sounding.
Thanks Audio angel. I'm going to the dealer tomorrow. I went to HI END SHOW this afternoon and so impressed with Totem forest speaker with tube amp. Are you using Transparent 4 your system?
Yes I'm using Transparent MusicLink MM inerconnects, and then I'm going to buy the Transparent MusicWave MM2 speakercable. And I look forward to it, beacuse I'm tired of my stupid Audioquest Midnight, it sounds so boring.
Let me know your thoughts about the Transparent cables.