Quality Cheater plug??

I have a hum in my 5 channel amp through the speakers and when I disable the ground prong on the power plug it is dead quiet. I am looking for a good quality cheater plug that would be used with a Cardas GR Power cable. I would rather find the hum but this is the second amp that has done this same issue. Any help would be appreciated.
I've seen some suggest the PS Audio Power cable's as they have a removable ground lug, and others have suggested disconnecting the ground within the outlet (at your own risk of course not to mention a potential code violation)

Just throwing some thoughts at ya.
I simply lifted the ground inside the outlet... it's the green wire. Proceed at your own risk. ... and turn off the braker beforehand to kill the power to that ckt.!!

My exp? Done it for years with no probs... usually it stems from the cable/satellite/phone ground at the servidce pole outside your house.

There are filters too which can help if in an apt. However some of these filters can affect the speed of the cable box' when going form ch to ch and so forth.

I've not seen a cryo'd cheater or the like yet.
I had a similar problem regarding hum with my setup. I went from a dead quiet house to a problem when I moved here to Arizona with the left speaker humming. My speakers have amps in them. When I talked to Richard Vandersteen, he advised me to run a ground wire from the humming speaker amp to the main amp or preamp which quieted the problem. It seems that the speakers were on a different circuit than the other electronics which created the different ground potential. Try running a very thin wire touching different components and see if it works. In any case, using a cheater will ruin the sound..grainy, no depth, etc.
Someone posted the following on Audiogon a short while back on this very subject. It's worth a read prior to un-grounding your system.
