Power Cable DIY - need advice


I have purhcased Oyaide 037 male and IEC connectors and need to purchase AC cable to finish my power cables.

Any recommendations on what AC cable to purchase?

I'll probably use these two AC cables on my Theta Enterprise mono amps.

Furutech alpha 3 !! Very musical, balanced and open sounding cable. All copper and no shielding.
I have compared Tunami and Accrolink. Tunami is very quiet, but does not have the air, depth, delicacy, boldness, etc. as Accrolink. Accrolink is a higher category of performance. I use the 046 plugs on either end. The plugs make even more of a difference than does the cable itself..I had these ends on the best cable I could buy from an electrical supply house...then changed to Tunami, and then to Accrolink. Preparing the Accrolink was a bit dicey. You have to be careful when cutting the thick outer jacket, that you do don't cut into the carrying cable itself...just go slowly, and its done.