Who needs power cables anyway?

I am building a new dedicated sound room and plan to have my sub panel mounted indoors on the back wall behind the components (easy access). I'm considering running leads directly from the panel to the components. I was thinking about running a good quality (Acrolink, Neotech) bulk power cable from the panel and terminate with some high quality Furutech’s FI-50's to go with the Furutech’s FI-9 IEC connectors on the components. Does anyone have any opinions, knowledge, experience with this type of application?
Let's see now,
the power is generated and then sent through about a dozen electric company toll booths, converters, sub stations, telephone poles and then draped though your neighborhood picking up any stray interference it might have missed previously. And you are going to connect your equipment directly to this.......... through a sub panel and fuse box also.

Sounds like a great idea.
Agreed Zenblaster. The point of a power cable is to take out the bad things the electricity picks up on its way to your house. Omitting this step would likely cause the equipment to underperform markedly.