what do you know"

after experimenting with diferent spkrs cables, from audio quest mont blank,to VD reference, cardas GR,my current cables. whent to a friends house over the weekend to audition it's new VTL 7.5 preamp, stumble across a pair of MIT 750,spkr cable that has been neglected for a long time and asked to borrow cables for a trial, wasnt' specting mouch from cable, but for my surprice this cable blew away all my other cables buy far, imaging was unbeliavable,instrument separation,air and sound stage was out of this word, to be honest the best Ihave try by far, did some research on this cable, and it sells for $175 or bo, now I have my $2500 cables for sale and I can believe Im doing this, anybody with similar experience,
During these uh, 'blind' testgin sessions, were the cables all being kept hot? hot swapped in and out too?

I'd not allow wires to be popped on or off my gear while it was energized... or anyone else’s. Then there's the warming up part. I'm doubtful a good A/B situation exists unless one uses likewise gear/sources, or those with multiple inputs or outputs so differing cables can be alternatively chosen at one’s discretion. For instance, with a preamp connected to all the same CDPs, but with different ICs on each CDP. Even then there’s the warming up period to do all over again… albeit somewhat a more abbreviated period if done in that fashion.

main IC comparisons would be tougher, given the above constraints... speaker wires too would be problematic to A/B properly.

My DAC has twin outputs, yet even there, XLR>RCA adapters need to be used on one set. It's easy to discern the diffs between cables using it as a source however in spite of that one addition.

Don't make memory an aspect of the session. Such tests are going to be problematical indeed, yet I'd bet a good deal merely selecting from one pair to another will surely reveal if there are any sonic diffs from pair to pair.

I mean as long as one is going to do an A/B of cables... make the affair such that ONLY the cables are indeed the items being subjected to the test. NOT the ICs and your memory, right?

That is of course, IF you’re looking to prove something about cables and NOT about aural memory.

Naturally, it stands to reason always, if you don’t hear a diff, and you’ve done an exact comparative session without reliance upon memory, then certainly one should not pay the difference… regardless the amount of $$$ you have in your gear.
Baroque_lover, For some reason they didn't allow my original post to go through, hope this one does get posted. Just wanted to say Happy Holidays , hope you get over yourself so that you will hear the music too!!
Just wanted to say Happy Holidays , hope you get over
yourself so that you will hear the music too!!

And you guys too - those on both sides of the fence - those with ordinary
cables and those with expensive ones - I believe Baroque has installed Harbeth
Compact 7's recently - I am sure he enjoys the music in spite of the cable/wires
issues and problems he faces - we all face. I bet we all do enjoy the music!
Happy Holidays
Baroque lover, if you believe in the placebo effect, fine. Don't force your beliefs on the folks who hear a difference. Nobody really cares, and it's annoying.