Tube amp for a somewhat difficult load

My speakers are Hales Concept Fives rated at 86db/w/m 6 ohm.
I am looking for tube amps that will give me the tube sound, or is this futile for a speaker of this nature and am I just wasting my money? These speakers need a minimum of 100 watts with solid state. My room is 24 X 16, and I listen to mostly classical music.
i have a little tube research 80 watts triode . it has a larger power supply than audio research 600s . it will drive the hales like no tomorrow. where are you ? i will show you.
I own the Tube Research Mono 100's, (Less than 100 watts in Triode pair of KT-88's, I can tell you that they can drive a difficult load easily. You may wish to take Kirk up on his offer.
atma-spheres ,jadis ,vac,wolcot, sonic frontiers, conrad, etc; all these amps are worth a try. they are all damn good amps. i have owned jadis 200 monos ,conrad premier 11 ,12s and 8s, sonic frontiers power 3s. on and on. i would of been happy with any of them if i had not heard tube research. i use to enjoy trading amps preamps etc. now tube research has ended my trading , buying selling . i now trade buy and sell with secondary systems only.