new Pure Note Alluvion speaker cables

Any opinions on new Pure Note Alluvion speaker cables?
I use an Alluvion digital cable. It's the best that I've tried. Transparent, very smooth, with excellent soundstaging and dynamics. A bit polite, perhaps, but plenty of good, strong bass in my system.
What other PCs have you compared to the Alluvion?
Currently using the Alluvion IC for my center. It does sound very liquid but debating whether it's worth the extra $$ to upgrade my Paragon Enhanced for the L/R channels.
I have gone through many of the higher cost PCs. Also I own the Pure Note Paragon PCs but the Alluvion is superior in terms of blackness and bass slam. I also own the Pure Note Titanium i/c and speaker cables but the Alluvion cables are on par or better, IMO. Pure Note has always been about great bang for the buck which is why I am an avid fan.
Thanks Sonic. Have owned the Epsilon, Cerulean and now the Paragon Enhanced ICs with the Cerulean speaker cables, I agree with Pure Note being one of the best bang for the buck. Might give the Alluvion PC a demo. Only had the Paragon PC and didn't care much for it.
Been auditioning a 1.5m IC and it has about 100 hours on it. I'm a bit concerned now because my system sounds a bit veiled. I actually noticed it early on but I figured additional break-in would changed the situation. Have had PN Epsilons/Cerulean/Paragon and none have exhibited this "sound". Can anyone comment? How are the Alluvions working out for everyone else?