Affordable Upgrade to Spelt Anti Cables?

I am looking to upgrade speaker cables on my Gallos 3.1, I do like the Speltz cables, but was wondering if anyone has tried the other models on Agon ie: signal cable, morrow etc.
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I'm trying to purchase ELF Audio - Super Helix Gold 16awg speaker cables but some of the sellers are not sure if the cables they have are 16awg or 18 awg. Is there an easy way to tell? Thanks
If you want to venture into a higher price range; $200 to $300 for cables. Then, I would HIGHLY recommend Grover Huffman cables. I have compared is cables to many highend cables, like Kimber, Shunyata, Virtual Dynamics, and various silver cables costing into the $2000 range -- and Grover Huffman's cables have easily beat them all. Really a steal for what he sells them for...
Been using Signal Cable Silver Resolutions for quite some time and am very happy. I had Nordost Flatline and Blue Heavens before.