rca plugs - comparisons?

anyone test or compare rca plugs on identical cables, noticed diffences or improvements? top wbt and eichman rca's have "new and improved" designs, are they better, or just different? is it worth the expense to change/upgrade the plugs on a decent older cable or specify the expensive wbt's, where it is optional?
Quite right Rodmann, that's what we did and see that you have good and firm metal to metal contact before using your solder.
one of the furutech rca connectors does not require solder, which introduces another set of comparisons. imagine if one could avoid solder altogether.

it would seem obvious, e.g., that the eichmann silver and copper bullet plugs would have different sonic effects when used with copper or silver wire. the mixing of metals should produce differnt sonic results.

i have heard different results comparing plugs on power cords and one would expect spade lugs and banana plugs to have an effect upon the sound of speaker cable.

any small change in a component may exert an audible difference in the performance of a stereo system.

i have a feeling you are more experienced in these matters than i am.
Bocchino Audio - very expensive but screw connections allow a wide variety of wire to be tested and from my limited tests ( xhadow, next gen ) I thought they performed very well

Mrtennis, Pjwd,
you are indeed quite right, I think. Crimping or a good screw-down connection is - theoretically at least - to be preferred. If however soldering is done right and you manage to get a good and tight metal to metal connection first before applying a touch of solder - we at least - could not really hear any difference.
By the way, while doing these experiments, we found out to our dismay, that the original soldering on those quite expensive cables we used was terrible, to say the least. More often than not, metal to metal conduct was not made, but the joints just bathed in solder. This experience motivated the members of our group to check and resolder all our wires if necessary. The results, I assure you, were
staggering. ( transparency, micro-dynamics, resolution in general)
Cheers and happy listening,