Speaker cable suggestions for MBL 101E's

I am looking for ideas for speaker cables for my MBL 101E's
Husk01 I do not know any MBL 101E owners who have used these specific cables you mentioned so you should try and let us know. If I was looking for cables the new Elrod speaker cables would be on the top of my list to hear.
Hello Husk01. I believe that there are enough of the owners of Elrod Silver Signature Cables but very few and in-between Gold Signature Cables. The main reason that these cables were introduced very recently. Silver in Necember and Gold, I believe, only early January.

I believe that full line of Elrod cables (PC, IC and SC) will be presented at RMAF 2009 - which is about half-year ahead.

My suggestion - call David Elrod or one of his dealers and ask if someone who own Silver or Gold cable lives nearby you...

I own Silver speaker cables and I love them and I was planning to write review. However, I was able to audition Gold cables nearby me and they made immense impression on me so I am not sure if I can write review about Silver....

All The Best
I started out with Cardas Golden Cross on my 111e's. They are known for being rich & mellow, and they are. It was a good match, but after reading a review, I purchased a bi-wired pair of Homegrown Audio X-32, which are made of silver. These improved detail, and actually made the Cardas sound slightly muddy by comparison. But they emphatically do NOT sound bright. I have not given a thought to changing speaker wires since installing these. In addition, they are very reasonably priced. Check out their website, homegrownaudio.com

No affiliation, etc., but I recommend these highly for MBL speakers.

Hello DaveAllison,

I am in full agreement with you that Cardass always sound dull and with lower resolution (relative to better cables). Their advantages were natural midrange and... this is what I can remember. No deep bass, May be very good highs but not too extended either.

Regarding "Homegrown Audio X-32" - I never heard it and cannot comment directly but when someone describe cable (power or speaker etc). I always ask myself - does he describe the true sonic characteristics of the cable or its effect on overly bright or overly dull system making improvment in overall sound.

Finally, I am a bit suprised that people who invest $60k (retail) into the speakers and I am sure good money into the amplifiers (power and pre) insist on chocking of the signal coming to these speakers.

Very recently, I got confirmation of that by auditioning of Gold Elrod speaker cables instered between pair of Spectron monoblocks to cheap (in comparison to MBL) $25k speakers. System sound was always good. With previous Elrod Silver (its the name of the line not metal) speaker cables it was excellent or may be more then excellent. Now, when I hear it with "Gold" - my jaws drop - its beyond my dream (and budget...today) but good cables do not add music (bad cables add coloration) - they allow amplifiers to show its full potential.

Thus, what is the point to invest $100k - $150k (retail) in system electronics and then screw yourself on wrong (not nesseceraly cheap) cables?

All The Best