Speaker cable suggestions for MBL 101E's

I am looking for ideas for speaker cables for my MBL 101E's
Zieman I don't know where you have gotten your info. but I personally own MBL 101E's and have two separate runs of Stealth Dream speaker cables paired up with them with no issues what so ever and I know of another MBL 101E owner who is actually using Audio Note Japan silver speaker cables, double run and having no issues.

I would agree with what Audiofeil said.

Zieman are you a Tara dealer? if so you should be mentioning this when posting so people reading know as it has an effect on your credibility and what you actually post.
Husk01 I do not know any MBL 101E owners who have used these specific cables you mentioned so you should try and let us know. If I was looking for cables the new Elrod speaker cables would be on the top of my list to hear.
Hello Husk01. I believe that there are enough of the owners of Elrod Silver Signature Cables but very few and in-between Gold Signature Cables. The main reason that these cables were introduced very recently. Silver in Necember and Gold, I believe, only early January.

I believe that full line of Elrod cables (PC, IC and SC) will be presented at RMAF 2009 - which is about half-year ahead.

My suggestion - call David Elrod or one of his dealers and ask if someone who own Silver or Gold cable lives nearby you...

I own Silver speaker cables and I love them and I was planning to write review. However, I was able to audition Gold cables nearby me and they made immense impression on me so I am not sure if I can write review about Silver....

All The Best
I started out with Cardas Golden Cross on my 111e's. They are known for being rich & mellow, and they are. It was a good match, but after reading a review, I purchased a bi-wired pair of Homegrown Audio X-32, which are made of silver. These improved detail, and actually made the Cardas sound slightly muddy by comparison. But they emphatically do NOT sound bright. I have not given a thought to changing speaker wires since installing these. In addition, they are very reasonably priced. Check out their website, homegrownaudio.com

No affiliation, etc., but I recommend these highly for MBL speakers.
