affordable long run IC

i'm looking for a long run IC (2.5-3 meters) between my soon to arrive JRDG 201 amps to my Lector zoe tube pre. budget should not exceed $250. any suggestions ?
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thanks to all so far.
I'll be running unbalanced since my pre is only unbalanced.
Icorem, the 201s are likely to yield more desirable results in a fully balanced system. . . just in case you eventually tried out a balanced pre, you can buy XLR ICs and use XLR2RCA converters at the pre side for the time being.
Depending on the impedance match between the Zoe and JRDG 201,something like the BUF-101 from Space Tech Labs may be of benefit. In the case of a relatively high preamp output impedance, it'll both lower the input impedance the JRDG "sees", AND convert the Zoe's single ended output to balanced. Signal transmission over 3 meters will be no issue for any balanced cables. FWIW, I own the BUF-101 and it doesn't impart a sonic signature I can detect. The three tubes are cheap to replace and, in this use, should last a long time. I am also an owner of a Lector cd transport and admire the engineering and performance.