Has anyone tried Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 RCA IC?

I have and it seems to work very well, at least as well as my other more expensive ICs. Has anyone else tried it?

I have some nice "high-end" speaker cables and power cords. I can hear the differences they make. I can also hear the differences of various damping tweaks. However, with RCA ICs, the BJC LC-1 seems to work just as well as my Reality Cable and Canary ICs, and is better than some other high-end ICs I tried.

I used to be a Beta tester for a guy who makes cryo'ed RCA ICs. I could hear the differences among various versions of his ICs. But a pair of $30 ICs is as good as these 10X more expensive? Did I miss anything?
BJCs are good, solid OFC cables. They're good for upper mid-fi to entry level high end systems. But, they do not compare to up-occ copper and high grade silver cable. That's what you wanna use for a high end to ultra high end system.
Blue Jeans makes good cable....their philosophy is that cable makes no difference in sound....therefore is just "good" . Solder connections, etc. are 1st rate.
Blue Jeans makes good cable....their philosophy is that cable makes no difference in sound....therefore is just "good"
IME, I wouldn't agree with that myself...

Do BJC also believe that all amps sound the same?
I don't agree with what BJC has to say either. They seem to come fom the objectivist school. Not sure if they're hard-liners or not. Sorry to say, their cables are good, but not to be used for the finest of high end audio systems.
I used the LC-1's for several years. I recently bought a pair of the Gabriel Gold Reflections and compared the two. The LC1's really made my toe tap and sounded very nice but when I put the Reflections in the sound stage opened up so much in every direction. They didn't make my toe tap as much but instead got me really enthralled with listening within the sound stage to everything that was happening. Very cool and different experience than with the LC1's.
Of course in other systems the comparison might be totally different but in mine the LC1 was more 2-dimensional with not much height or depth and the individual instruments were more compressed into a smaller space, but they still sounded great. I guess it depends on which 'effect' you prefer.
And maybe the LC1 was the more accurate presentation....I don't know, but I prefer the huge sound stage and being able to hear each instrument kind of in it's own space.