Any cables that give more bass

I'm just starting to build my 2 ch system with component KEF reference 203 powered by DK design mkii integrated with single run transparent musicwave cables and marantz dv7600 as source connect with monster room is 10x11 with catedral ceiling,I'm listening focal and some new pop music when playing some of those is bass kind of lack nothing punchy enough to feel it!!!I try located the speaker closed is other to give more bass, but still I need more?any suggestion for it folks?is that biwire cables can give more bass?or tubes for my amp?interconnect for better low end?I'm in budget for it so is that better for me to buy a good cd player or tweak it?will spend max for $1k
thank u folks,im start to agree that this is the max of my speaker push the low end,so with the money i will consider to upgrade to 205 series,love the KEF mid so much:)
any of u recommendation to speaker that similiar to KEF ,but with better bass?apreciated it!!!
What is wrong with running your speaker wires thru a crossover, prior to the signal getting to your mains? That's what a number of subs have integrated in....they can either take an RCA direct input, if your pre has sub outputs, or you can connect your speaker wires and then run your speaker wires from a different set of terminals (crossover hi output). Sunfire subs do this...many others also.
What is wrong with running your speaker wires thru a crossover, prior to the signal getting to your mains?

From a purist perspective, the last thing anyone wants to do is route the signal (ultimately destined to the main speakers) through a subwoofer's cheap high-pass network, internal cabling, switching, connectors, etc.

The OP's integrated amp has one set of pre (line) RCA outputs which is perfect to drive a powered subwoofer.
Just let the main speakers rolloff naturally as they do this quite high already....and integrate a sub with one IC cable to add some presence to the bottom 2 octaves. It does not get any simpler than this.

I had a DK design MK I and found the bass "slam" lacking compared to some other amps. Was using silver speaker bi-amp wires. Took amp to local Hi-End shop and compared
au24 and Analysis plus copper cables; both had better "bass slam" than my silver cables. Total ultimate bass about the same but "hit" with copper very different. AnalysisPlus power cord improved bass also. Ultimately sold amp and kept silver speaker cables for use with my 4watt Almarro amp which has bass I prefer over DK. Best Wishes, Mike. (PS, Do borrow some other power cords, IC, speaker cables before you buy expensive items to "correct" bass problem.
Djtiti, The problem with using a loudspeaker with more bass extention in a room as small as yours is there is no way to control the bass. If you use a subwoofer you can control the level with a knob on the back. You can't do that with a full range loudspeaker unless it has built in subwoofers with eq and level control. Ideally you could get a sub with a eq built in for even more control. Jafox is right about using the pre out of the DK to the sub. I've done this before and it works just fine. I think a sub is the best way to go in that room.