Cable tv splitters

I have recently discovered that I have probably been using the wrong cable tv splitter for the last year or so. I kept getting a temporary scrambled signal and sound to my hdtv. I replaced my cable tv splitter today with a new one. Now the scrambling seems near gone. Can anyone give me any insight to a splitter? I have my cable line coming from outside to my listenig room where I split the signal to my cable hdtv box and to my computer modem. I read that my signal is cut in half with a splitter. Is it true I could be getting better tv reception without the splitter? What is a amplfied splitter all about? Would this be better for me to use?
Power pass-through, or lack of it, would have nothing to do with anything being blown. All it refers to is that some splitters will allow two-way communications between the cable box and the cable company, and some won't (just allowing signals to come in, but not to go out). Two-way communication is necessary to utilize interactive tv features, such as on-demand programming, and also obviously for internet use.

It's not clear from your post whether or not the ac power cords of the cable box, audio system, and tv are ALL plugged into the surge protector, so that they are protected against surges on the ac line as well as on the cable line. Also, is the computer connected to the audio system? If so, since it is not protected by the surge suppressor it would represent a path for surges to get into the audio system.

-- Al

You wrote, "when you could have had your cable company run you a dedicated line for your HSD ? Which is the way it is suppose to be."

A seperate dedicated line ???? What are you smoking???

My Cable company ran an underground cable to my house about 300 feet and said if there is ever a problem with the signal they would have to put a telephone pole in my yard because of the distance.
No way would they just install a another dedicated line.

In fact, I cant even get through to the Comcast Cable company on the telephone or the internet.
I have some High def channels that pixalize and go out for long periods of time. After about a week of continusly calling they finally did get a Cable guy out to the house he cleaned the connections and left .
Problem persists.

Yes, I do have one of the cable companies amplifiers, but if the signal is weak to start those only do so much.

Satelitte TV is probably the best option .
Tlg,I am not familiar with the Furman protector but you are doing the right thing. The ac protection is for your 120 volt line and the coax, in and out protect your cable before the box. A lighting strike could come down both the ac line and the coaxial line. This protection is not 100%, depending how close the hit is. Power surges are a different issue. The protection I think you have is for high voltage transients.
Tlg, Cable TV is a very low voltage system. The only way to get a surge big enough to damage equipment thru a cable line is a lightning strike or a downed power line crossing it. Your cable drop is suppost to be grounded at your ground rod before it goes to the splitter to prevent this from happening.

Ozzy, A 300 ft drop is very long. Most peoples drop is 50 ft or less. You already have an amp and still have a bad signal. Sounds like a tough situation. I don't deal with the distribution part so can't realy help there. Sounds like its a new pole or Dish.

As far as how many lines you can have to your house, they only allow one per unit. So if you live in a single family dwelling you can only have one. What riley804 is talking about is running a seperate line from the splitter that is outside. Technically it doesn't matter where you split it as long as the signal is good when it goes into your equipment.