What's better than FIM power cords

I think these are great, they just drive me crazy trying to bend them and I broke one of the connectors
Tvad - How would you compare the Teklines to the other cords that you mentioned? You're the first one I've seen to have auditioned the Teklines other than someone who was connected to the company. Thanks!
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I will chime in on the Audio Horizons Transparency cord. Very neutral and and balanced from top to bottom. Great detail also!

I have the same power cable as you (FIM)and the Audio Horizons in my system. The FIM is great as you know. It offers the best bass and bass detail I have heard in a power cord. The AH offers more air and perhaps a tad more forward midrange.
Check out the Kaplan Cables over at www.tweekgeek.com. A new entry into the upmarket PC's that have a lot going for them.
I've had my best luck with Synergistic Research cables. David Elrod also makes very good PCs.