What's better than FIM power cords

I think these are great, they just drive me crazy trying to bend them and I broke one of the connectors
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I will chime in on the Audio Horizons Transparency cord. Very neutral and and balanced from top to bottom. Great detail also!

I have the same power cable as you (FIM)and the Audio Horizons in my system. The FIM is great as you know. It offers the best bass and bass detail I have heard in a power cord. The AH offers more air and perhaps a tad more forward midrange.
Check out the Kaplan Cables over at www.tweekgeek.com. A new entry into the upmarket PC's that have a lot going for them.
I've had my best luck with Synergistic Research cables. David Elrod also makes very good PCs.
6SONSAUDIO Golden Eagle line of pc & ic...these cables are insanely good - 30 day money back guarantee if you don't like them. No affiliation with the company, just a very happy customer. These cables transformed my system, they are simply incredible.