Best Interconnects and Speaker cables

Any suggestions for "sanely-priced" innerconnects and speaker cables for system which features; Simaudio Moon Nova cd player/Simaudio Moon P-5 preamplifier/Simaudio Moon W-5 amplifier and B&W Nautilus 803 loudspeakers?

There are several problems inherent in trying to recommend IC's and speaker cables. There is no way to know in advance how the cables will work with your system, in your room. It's best to try to audition several models, perhaps with "loaners" from a local audio dealer, or by borrowing used cables from the "lending library" at (

This said, the "Recommended Components" lists in TAS, HiFi+, and Stereophile can provide a good starting point for your selection process. The following choices are among the perennial "moderate cost" favorites:

Interconnects: Kimber Hero; Nordost Blue Heaven; Alpha-Core Sapphire; Silver Serpent.

Speaker cable: Kimber 4TC and 8TC; Alpha-Core Goertz MI2; Analysis Plus Bi-Oval.

About 5 years ago, "Audioholics" published an interesting and revealing comparison of a number of top speaker cables. Although it's a bit outdated, the data is still valid. Here is the link:

Good shopping, and good listening.
Sdcampbell, nice post. While I have not tried them, the Kimber cables get consistently mentioned when recommendations for great cables that won't break the bank are mentioned.

The Aplpha Core MI-2's are among my favorite speaker cables. I still have my original pair. I like their interconnects too, especially the TQ series.

Otherwise hard to make a recommendation, too many cables too little time. Price range as mentioned previously would help. Other wise buy and try. Lots of manufacturers offering trial periods and discounts these days.

Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully but, I didn't want to go down the "long and winded road" which so many so-called audiophiles choose to travel when talking about what is after all, brace yourselves...just wire. "JUST WIRE"...did you say???

Just for the record, I'm currently using Kimberkable Silver Streak unbalanced from source>preamp (Nova lacks balanced outs) and balanced interconnects from preamp>poweramp, along with 4TC/8TC speaker cables in a bi-wire configuration.

Thanks to everyone for their input and my apologies to those whose wires I may have crossed.
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I'm sure these links have been posted before, but since the OP mentioned the controversial phrase "just wire"... Please, take it for another point of view. It's been beaten to death in too many threads already.

With ICs, I have noticed subtle sound differences, but my favorite are still these: