New filter/regenerator

I am interested in the Shunyata Hydra 6 versus the Equitech line. I use a Ars Filharmonia tube amp with 15 amp plug as well as digital front end. What do you kind folks recommend? Can I use a 20 amp based unit still?
Let me dispel a few myths and some bits of misinformation:
1. "Surge protection" (so called), as provided by all of these 'power grooming' devices is no better than what already comes built into your components, if they were constructed in the last 10 years, and some even earlier. That is to say, they add nothing to what you already have in the component itself. AND it's not enough to really protect your equipment from a real HIT, like a lightening strike -- to protect yourself from that, you need to unplug your system from the wall -- period. The only exception to this strategy is using an isolation transformer which PHYSICALLY as well as elecrically separates your stuff from the power grid.

2. A 'battery back-up', part of a class of devices better known as an UPS (uninterruptable power supply) can be added to any system. They are commonly for computers to save critical data, or finish critical transmissions, before allowing the computer to shut down if power is not restored soon. But computers are relatively low power consumers compared to even a 100W/channel SS amp. You won't be listening to your music very long if there's any kind of serious power outage.

3. Every regenerator product I know of has voltage support (voltage regulation for over/under line voltage) So does a (much cheaper) device called a Variac. If you have a tube amp that need accurate line voltage to maintain accurate tube bias, but essentially no other big utility company problems, one of these along with a big isolation transformer (for REAL surge protection) would be just the ticket.

4. Regeneration. OK, we're not talking about motor-generators which use gas or electric motors to drive a generator and make fresh power. And, except for the ExactPower (which I'll get to shortly) ALL REgenerators use the same generic method. They take ALL the AC power from the wall, turn it into direct current (DC) and then turn ALL that DC into fresh AC. It works! BUT it's terribly inefficient; which BTW is why all the high-capacity regenerators (except the EP) have to have cooling fans and add significantly to your electric bill. I call this the 'baby out with the bathwater' method;-)

4. First of all, there's really no point in making 100% "new power" because the WORST wall power is only about 20% out of spec. So why not leave alone the 80% of it that's good and just "fix" the rest? That's what the patented ExactPower circuitry does. Middle Atlantic Products purchased the company for that patent -- which they are now using to manufacture full building regeneration systems (which is where the profits are biggest -- not audio ;-) It's a slick solution to an old problem now made possible using computer matching algorithms and Class D amps (perfect for 50/60Hz AC) to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse! OK, it's not exactly a RE-generator by the original definition, but in my view it's better than anything out there.

I had to laugh when I was reading the APS comparitor matrix which suggests that there are a couple of things the ExactPower unit doesn't do that tha APS and PS Audio units do. And it's true! The ExactPower unit DOESN'T do those things. Why? Because it doesn't have to ;-) It's already replaced all the places in the incoming waveform that were noisy or out of spec!
Nsgarch, What catagory would you place the Power Cell, Adept AR6T,and the new Lessloss Firewall Distributor in?Husk
Husk, I'm unfamiliar w/ the 'Power Cell' product and would need the manufacturer's web address to offer an opinion.

As for the other two, they are power conditioning devices. The Audience product is well respected, like the Shunyata, Richard Gray, Furman, etc., but as I already mentioned, represent older technology and IMO, money poorly spent.

The Lessloss Firewall is also (some kind of?) a 'power grooming' device, but after reviewing it on their website (never heard of it 'til you mentioned it) can only conclude it's VERY expensive hype. They don't tell you exactly what's in it (ALWAYS suspect;-) and if it could actually do all the stuff they claim, the inventor would be up for a Nobel Prize in Physics! For $5K you could buy an ExactPower regenerator AND an ExactPower balanced power unit, pay retail and still get back some change!! -- AND your system would be as "Quiet as a chair" (as a friend and former Wadia engineer used to tell me ;-)

I assume you have the ExactPower? Did you notice any loss in attack/punch using the unit. The PPP, Isoclean, Shunyata have all really negatively impacted my music. But I think I do have some power issues so would like to use something. The ExactPower is one I haven't tried yet.

Thanks for any help.
Nsgarth, In your opinion, would the EP 15A handle a pair of MBL 9008's monoblocks and two JL Audio 113 subs as opposed to plugging them each into seperate Oyxide AC outlets? Do you feel it would be quieter without destroying dynamics?