I am sick of cables

I have owned cables like Nordost Valhalla, Purist Audio 20th anniversary, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference, Virtual Dynamics Revelation, Argento Serenity. I have also auditioned cables like stealth indra in my system.

All I can say is that I am sick of cables, don't want to talk about them, audition them, not even see them....lol

Right now I have found a great combination of less expensive cables than the above which are perfect with MY equipment.

I was wondering why studios that record the music we are listening are not using super expensive cables...

In my humble opinion IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AFTER, the most expensive cables are not necessarily better...

I said it, now I feel better...
Yeah I brought up this topic on another audio forum and was almost lynched.

A few years back I used to react the same way with such comments. I though that the most expensive cables were the best.

I suppose that you gain experience through the years and only if you REALLY want to learn.

Im not saying cables are not important. They are.

But their price is ABSOLUTELY irrelevant when it comes to matching with your system.