I am sick of cables

I have owned cables like Nordost Valhalla, Purist Audio 20th anniversary, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference, Virtual Dynamics Revelation, Argento Serenity. I have also auditioned cables like stealth indra in my system.

All I can say is that I am sick of cables, don't want to talk about them, audition them, not even see them....lol

Right now I have found a great combination of less expensive cables than the above which are perfect with MY equipment.

I was wondering why studios that record the music we are listening are not using super expensive cables...

In my humble opinion IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AFTER, the most expensive cables are not necessarily better...

I said it, now I feel better...
I think ICs and speaker cables should match or not be the weak link in a particular system. If you're spending $30K on a audio system, I don't think 'cheaper' cables will bring out the true potential of the system. If you have a $5K system and spend $3K on ICs and speaker cables, that is plain silly and overkill for the system and will potentially make it sound worse.

Unfortunately, I've had the unlucky pleasure of hearing higher priced but good ICs and cables with my mid to upper mid-fi system and bought them for a good price. They do indeed sound better than the less expensive ICs and speaker cables that were in MY system.
Good post! Couldn't agree with you more! I would venture to say that we are all sick of the marketing BS from the cable manufacturers. It can be very expensive to find the truth, only beginning to find out that high price does not always equal excellence. Unfortunately, we need the cables to run our equipment! I have actually begun to cable down (cost wise) to Anticables and I am happier with their performance than I ever was with Kimber, Nordost, Cardas and a few others!
Here's the Bizarro parallel recent post that you can reference for further input on a similar subject. There are many others in the archives. I'd agree the diminishing returns are staggeringly steep in the world of cables. Not that they do not make a difference, I'd also find it difficult to justify the cost given the difference they do make. Power cords even more so. I've owned both expensive and inexpensive cables and cannot say the differences have compelled me to continue to invest large coin into that aspect of my system. Far more profound in effect as far as investment in non-hardware items would be investing in your room...IMO. That and software (music) yields far more rewards in my experience.

Have had many upper level versions of Purist, MIT, Transparent, and Siltech: guess how much I've spent: sucked in by BS and marketing.

With my current system, I'm now using 24 gauge, solid core, dead annealed silver, cotton wrapped from Chris at VH. $300 from amp all the way to speaker.

Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
