I am sick of cables

I have owned cables like Nordost Valhalla, Purist Audio 20th anniversary, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference, Virtual Dynamics Revelation, Argento Serenity. I have also auditioned cables like stealth indra in my system.

All I can say is that I am sick of cables, don't want to talk about them, audition them, not even see them....lol

Right now I have found a great combination of less expensive cables than the above which are perfect with MY equipment.

I was wondering why studios that record the music we are listening are not using super expensive cables...

In my humble opinion IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AFTER, the most expensive cables are not necessarily better...

I said it, now I feel better...
I'm just polishing up the re-write. Eastwood has an option on it and we're in negotitions for a final number. Working title is currently "The Autogonian".
Dave_B - let me get it straight: You've never heard your new system with your "fancy" cables because you traded them at the very start - yet you claim that Monster cables are better? Am I missing something?
Many moons ago, when I lived high above the waters of Biscayne Bay in the Kingdom of Autogonia, I chanced upon a beautiful used Goldmund RCA coax cabilia which I purchased for the princely sum of $1500. The Goldmund was the single most expensive component in my stereo by moonlight system.

One sorry day, my 4 year old nephew destroyed my beloved Goldmund with his teeth becuase he thought he was killing a snake. I was heartbroken and vowed never again to buy an expensive cable.

And so, with a heavy heart, he rode north towards the border.
Kijanki, I had the cables available for a couple of weeks after the setup, so I had time to decide whether I would cash them in or look elsewhere. Synergy can be a large part of any system, and tastes vary, but something clicked big time with the Monster cables mentioned. One caveat, I held on to my pricey PC's...MIT Oracle AC 2 for the Krell and a Transparent MM Reference for the Sony. Providing pure power is not something you can skimp on I'm afraid:) By the way, I still have some MIT Oracle V1.1 IC's around for comparison as well as the Cable Co. Library of cables which I have used to decide on cables...the only way to know is to have something in your own system for an extended time period.
Dave_b - I just wasn't sure if you compared them A-B in the same system. Like with any product there are some very good bargains but there is a correlation (unfortunately exponential) between price and quality (transparency, clarity etc). I don't have extended experience with cables but I tend to agree with Bradleyc that people often use cheap cables to fix certain system deficiencies (calling it synergy) while neutral transparent cables that "disappear" are more expensive. Cables are non-perishable (don't wear out or age) and therefore deserve a little more investment. As it is right now in my system it would make sense to sell IC (AZ Absolute) and get better speakers - but I will buy them eventually anyway.