After reading the Tripoint website...
"Come experience the holographic transportation of the real musical event with our proprietary passive filtration that eliminate EMI/RFI from the signal and impulse signal flow. Hear what your electronics, room, and vibration control really sound like."
My preamp a accuphase unit is very well made and shielded...also my Vac 140's have a 3 setting ground adjustment that produces a noticeable improvement in transparency and blackness along with a holographic soundstage.
Thanks for pointing out the EMI/RFI connection to grounding...
I might have to consider a troy someday....
I have no interest or ties to the company....just listed the link for copyright issues.
After reading the Tripoint website...
"Come experience the holographic transportation of the real musical event with our proprietary passive filtration that eliminate EMI/RFI from the signal and impulse signal flow. Hear what your electronics, room, and vibration control really sound like."
My preamp a accuphase unit is very well made and shielded...also my Vac 140's have a 3 setting ground adjustment that produces a noticeable improvement in transparency and blackness along with a holographic soundstage.
Thanks for pointing out the EMI/RFI connection to grounding...
I might have to consider a troy someday....
I have no interest or ties to the company....just listed the link for copyright issues.