Any cable suggestions for my Thiel 2.4's?

I'm looking for the best IC,power cables and speaker cables for my Thiel 2.4's. Can aynbody give me their suggestions?
Additionally, some have referred Purist Audio Design for my Thiel's. Does anyone have an opion on this suggestion?

Hififan, FWIW, with Thiels, I like "real" Krells, Pass and Threshold. Others and perhaps yourself if you like the EC sound, seem to like Ayre, big c-j ss, Levinson and Rowland. Think quality first, and as much of that quality as you can afford. IMHO, so called high current designs, highly biased into class A, seem to work well.
The strength of Theil speakers lies in their phase correct nature- they can image like bandits when properly cabled. By far the most phase correct cable on the market are the Active Tesla cables from Synergistic Research. If you want to play to the strengths of your Theil speakers, try and audition Tesla cables side-by-side with other cables you may be interested in.

The Cable Company is a great place to perform such experiments.
"By far the most phase correct cable on the market are the Acitve Telsa cables from Synergistic Research."? Can you substantiate this claim?