Cardas ICs are too warm for Tube amp

I have heard that adding Cardas Golden Ref IC to tube amps can result in imbalance tonal, such as too much warmth, midrange unclear, dark, etc..

Any comments ?

Also Anyone has heard of new Cardas top of the ranfe "Clear" are they good for Tube gears, like 88KT, 12AX7.

I think that with everything, matching is important. GR is a great product and many swear by it. In my tube set-up though, I preferred TG Audio over GR and also Audience.

Obviously, YMMV. Buy a pair or two of used GR, you should be able to sell them for around what you paid if you do not like them.

Listen with your own ears. Cardas makes very fine sounding cables, which have satisfied many listeners, including myself. I currently own and enjoy their Golden Reference tonearm cable very much. I sold the GR interconnect, which I replaced with another make for attaining a better synergy, but if I had to, I could live very easily with the Cardas GR ic. I cared least, however, for the influence on my system's sound when I added the GR speaker cable. All of which brings us back to my opening sentence. Good luck, but please don't reject Cardas based on displeased comments only. There are an awful lot of very satisfied Cardas customers out there, and I can understand why.
I just switched(after auditioning) to GR between CD and preamp and couldn't be happier. Between amp and preamp I'm using balanced Wireworld Eclipse 5 and having tried many other cables, this combination seems to bring out the best in my Atma-Sphere MP1 and MA-1s.

I've never found using the same brand of cables in all positions to work.
Don't have your amp, but use Garbriel Gold with my Rogue and don't have any of the issues you mention - sound is clear and musical across the range
This is all about synergy. I've had many high and low priced cables in my system over the years. The GR's are just a nice all around cable, don't do anything exciting, just plain musical. Other cables do certain things better, the GRs are consistently musical.

I suspect there has been more GR cable sold than any other cable in audio, this should tell you something. And then, there is a chance they may not be synergistic in your system, very easy to sell and break even, no brainer.